Characterization and evaluation of sustainability of security and food sovereignty farm coffee growing of Cauca

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His article presents a methodological proposal was designed and adjusted to assess the current state of food security and sovereignty in coffee-growing farms of Cauca, based on sustainability indicators framed within the principles of agroecology, for which a guide characterization I was structured in coffee agroecosystems that is based on participatory methodological tools such as crop calendars, of income, of harvesting, social mapping exercise of the pot, including the guidelines and allows tracing a route established agro-ecological transition based on the current state of the farm and the respective adjustments were made by applying the instrument 5 biodiverse coffee farms, obtaining a first methodology to determine the current state of food security and sovereignty of the coffee-growing farms in the Cauca.

Article Details

Yady Eliana Hernández-Silva
Luis Alfredo Londoño-Vélez

Author Biographies

Yady Eliana Hernández-Silva, Universidad del Cauca
Universidad del Cauca
Luis Alfredo Londoño-Vélez, Universidad del Cauca
Universidad del Cauca
Hernández-Silva, Y. E., & Londoño-Vélez, L. A. (2021). Characterization and evaluation of sustainability of security and food sovereignty farm coffee growing of Cauca. Espacio Regional. Revista De Estudios Sociales, 1(13), 105-116. Retrieved from


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